Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Pulled hamstrings hurt!!

Heyy! Soo havent been on in a while...but...today was same old same old...nothin really interesting! But i was in track practice! and all of the sudden my hamsring started hurting really bad! so they tried to stretch it but i was in pain! like it hurt and still hurts! so i guess that means strech, ice, advil! ha but guess what?! I got asked to the junior/senior prom! and im only a sophomore! but i got asked by this junior! hes really sweet and cute! so im excited! and i already got my dress! its pretty so im excited!..today is dawn's birthday!(my sister) so happy birthday dawn! ha ANDDDDD congratulations to Julie Moore!!! im so excited for you!:)


  1. that stinks!! So who is this boy...and i don't recall him asking me for permission!! What's up with that? So listen Dude, whoever you are...you better me good to my sister on prom night. I mean you better respect her and so help me boy you pull any stunts and catch a red eye from Orlando to Jackson and you and I will have a "Come to Jesus" meeting....that's if my Mama doesn't get to you first! But yall have fun now....

  2. WHAT!!! GEORGE we need to talk. I don't like this one bit. You tell this no good dirt bag that I am here in Florida cleaning my gun. I'll find him!

    And please do not forget that you are goofy and your mama dresses you funny!

    Your curfew is 10:30

